Check out the new City Lights Art Gallery Website!!!!


(This website will no longer be updated after Monday August 22, 2022)  

August's Artist of the Month

 Isabela Vasile and her exhibit “Rebel Spirit”

On display throughout the month of August!!!

Gallery is open Wed to Sun 12 to 4 pm!!!

To find out about Upcoming Events Click Here!!!


The gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 4 pm.

Be sure there are not any last minute changes, please call.



Follow the gallery on FB, Instagram, and Twitter for latest updates.

Check out BrushStrokes, the gallery's montly newsletter!!!

For the latest edition click--->  BrushStrokes 2022 click here

We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to the Nevada Arts Council,, and the National Endowment for the Arts,,  for supporting City Lights Art Gallery through the CARES Act grant program.  The grant supports the gallery’s mission of promoting local artists and art education, while raising funds for the gallery’s scholarship fund for high school students who plan to pursue a higher education with a major in the arts.  Thank you!!!
#arts #nevadaarts #supportthearts #thankyou #gratitude #CARES

Follow the gallery on Facebook @citylightsartgallery, Twitter @CityLights_Gal, & Instagram @citylightsartgallery to receive the very latest updates in real-time!!!


Are you taking an art appreciation class and need to do a gallery review?  The gallery has no entrance fee and one of our hosts will be happy to answer any questions you have!  Also, check out the "gift shop" for a nice selection of gifts or find something for yourself!

Great Artwork!  Great Prices!

City Lights Art Gallery boasts an eclectic mix of original paintings, photographs, sculpture, reproductions, note cards and more by local artists.  An artists' co-operative with more than 100 members, their artwork spans a wide variety of subject matter and media and changes monthly!


Art Classes

Art classes are offered for people with all levels of experience.  We teach small groups and allow each student to proceed at their own pace.  Enroll at anytime. Contact our office for detailed schedules and costs or Click the ART CLASS tab for further information. 


Classes in watercolor, acrylic, oil, drawing and abstract water media are currently being offered.  Other workshops are offered on demand.  


City Lights is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to funding scholarships and mini-grants for local students and organizations.  City Lights regularly hosts student artwork in the gallery as well as organizes artwork displays from different Henderson schools around the valley.  Your donations to help us fund these activities are tax-deductible.  Please visit or call us or Click Here to make an online donation!

(Over 200,000 hits as Feb 2022)

City Lights Art Gallery

3 E Army St

Henderson NV 89015


Phone: 702.260.0300



Scheduled Gallery Hours -

Wednesday to Sunday: Noon-4pm


Each quarter City Lights Art Gallery changes the artwork so Visit Today to enjoy an entirely fresh range of artwork.


Invitation to other Art Groups/Art Afficionados :

If your group would be interested in being featured in our gallery, give us a call.  

If you are looking for an outing for your organization or group, please contact the Gallery.  We will be glad to provide a guided tour of our artwork!

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© 2022 City Lights Art Gallery

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